The Earth Rising Development Blog

Dev Blog 9 - The Grass-Roots Politician; Transi...
The Politics sector is headed by the Grassroots Politician. She has the ability to check the next two cards in the Social Influence deck, and rearrange them. Every sustainable practice within her...
Dev Blog 9 - The Grass-Roots Politician; Transi...
The Politics sector is headed by the Grassroots Politician. She has the ability to check the next two cards in the Social Influence deck, and rearrange them. Every sustainable practice within her...

Dev Blog 8 - People and Poverty; A poor overview
Earth Rising recognises that poverty is a major barrier to a sustainable world, and that tackling it is a necessary step in transforming our world away from the unsustainable state...
Dev Blog 8 - People and Poverty; A poor overview
Earth Rising recognises that poverty is a major barrier to a sustainable world, and that tackling it is a necessary step in transforming our world away from the unsustainable state...

Dev Blog 7 - The Activist; Making Change One Pr...
The Activist is the specialist of the Culture sector. They are able to place ‘Protest Tokens’ on any Unsustainable Practises across the board, allowing other players to flip the Practice...
Dev Blog 7 - The Activist; Making Change One Pr...
The Activist is the specialist of the Culture sector. They are able to place ‘Protest Tokens’ on any Unsustainable Practises across the board, allowing other players to flip the Practice...

Dev Blog 6 - Practices Supporting People; it is...
A crucial part of success in Earth Rising, and indeed to our real world sustainability goals, is reducing poverty. There’s a lot of different ways we can do this in the...
Dev Blog 6 - Practices Supporting People; it is...
A crucial part of success in Earth Rising, and indeed to our real world sustainability goals, is reducing poverty. There’s a lot of different ways we can do this in the...

Dev Blog 5 - Strain; The Burden We Place Upon O...
One of the questions we get asked a lot is; what does strain represent? The most common assumption is that it represents CO2, but the fact is that the burden we place upon...
Dev Blog 5 - Strain; The Burden We Place Upon O...
One of the questions we get asked a lot is; what does strain represent? The most common assumption is that it represents CO2, but the fact is that the burden we place upon...

Dev Blog 4 - The Eco Investor; The Means to a B...
The Eco Investor is the specialist of the Infrastructure sector. His ability lets him draw extra cards and give them away to other players, or put them at the bottom of the Social Influence deck. As with other abilities,...
Dev Blog 4 - The Eco Investor; The Means to a B...
The Eco Investor is the specialist of the Infrastructure sector. His ability lets him draw extra cards and give them away to other players, or put them at the bottom of the Social Influence deck. As with other abilities,...